วันเสาร์ที่ 21 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to become a really good and succesful fashion designer?

I think I have the talent to become one, but I don't know how to get started. I am the best dressed one in my family and everyone comments on how fashion-forward I am. I know how to make you look thin, give you more presence, make you look, well, ANYTHING you want. How can I do it? Does it cost anything to get all the fabric, paper, and pencils approximatly?

It becomes costly. Really costly.

But to start off, you can start on eBay and start selling your

designs to happy customers.

You can start a mini-website, you can go to fashion colleges,

just try to get noticed.

Good luck!

Maybe I'll be wearing your designs one day.


practice sketching ouffits, take sewing lessons, once u learn how to sew buy fabrics and start making ouffits

Well, I'm also an ispiring designer, What I do for materials is to go through my wardrobe and if I don't like something anymore or if doesn't fit, I'll use that. I don't sell my stuff at first, I wear them, see how many complaments you get, if people like your stuff, try making items for them, if they wear them your getting free publicity. Then once you know people love your designs, you could try showing them to certin boutiuqes, sell them on ebay ect. Good Luck!

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