I know you are suppose to bring robes and nightgowns when you go the hospital to deliver your baby. Was the bleeding after the birth so bad that it ruined your robes and nightgowns?
No I didnt' bleed that bad. Besides you have to change everytime you go to the restroom and the first day of delivery you go to the bathroom alot. I read that you lose about 3 quarts of liquid after delivery.
No. They give you what I call "super pads" They are really big, they absorb all the blood and as long as you change them when they need to be changed then you'll be fine...Good Luck and I hope that helps. =)
Honey you don't sit around and fester in your own blood.
Yes. It is completely unnecessary too. Stick with the hospital issued gowns--unless you want to ruin your robe. Do remember to take some slippers.
Nope. I wore all my sweatsuits in the hospital and they were not soiled. Bring some of those extra long super overnight maxi pads with you to the hospital - they are the best.
I had an episiotomy and it was pretty bad, but they gave me lots of super-thick pads. I think I got stains on one pair of underwear, but that was all. Once you leave the hospital it should be okay to wear a normal pad, and it just keeps getting better and better. If you are worried just buy a cheap or second-hand robe and keep your nice robe home.
I only wore them after I was all cleaned and showered up and my bed changed. I used the hospital ones befor ethat.
good luck and congratulations!
surprisingly only one of my night gowns got ruined... if you have any favorite underwear i wouldnt suggest wearing them as they are sure to get ruined... good luck
The hospital supplies you with really big pads after delivery....bleeding is a bit heavier than a bad period but not terrible (at least in my case) I wore sweat pants and a tshirt afterwards and no blood went thru onto my clothes...Good Luck!!!!
You will wear large sanitary napkins after delivery. They have stocks of them at the hospital for you to use. If you do get blood on anything (which I did not) just be sure to wash it in cold water and shout it out. (Warm water sets blood stains).
Its pretty much like having a period. They give you big pads to wear anyways.
I never brought all that stuff. I just wore the hospital gowns they gave me. They even have nursing hospital gowns that were very convenient.
So many people go out and buy lovely new nighties for the hospital stay, but it really isn't worth it.
I suggest taking in old 'comfies', things you just don't mind chucking in the bin when you get home and the worst is over!!
I wouldn't bother really. When I had my daughter I used the hospital gowns. They provided what I call "Wonder Pants" a mesh underwear to hold the jumbo pad in.
The only thing I plan on bringing the next time is clothes to go home in, slippers, toiletries (cause the hospital ones suck) and a book.
you may have a lot of bleeding, but as long as you keep your pad changed you wont have a problem.
I took a pair of old sweat pants with me and wore those and a robe and t shirt that was older and faily stretched out from being pregnant, but nothing got ruined.
the sweatpants did have a few minor stains - i soacked them in clorox 2 for 24 hours and then scrubbed a littl and washed and they are fine
I would only use the robe to walk around the hallways, but just use the gowns they provide at the hospital because they will get stained.
The only blood I got anywhere when giving birth was on the sheets and the second I was stitched up they changed the sheets so it didnt matter. I got a tiny smudge of blood on my shirt from when I held my baby for the first time, but it washed out.
Make sure you take plenty of maternity pads for afterwards because oh my god you need to change those things like every hour or so the bleeding is so heavy, and try to stick to darker coloured pyjamas while youre in hospital in case your pad leaks and you have to walk to the loo with a lovely big red spot on ya bum.
The other alternative is you dont need to give birth clothed, you can be naked if you feel more comfortable, or you can even ask for a hospital gown.
Feel free to contact me if you'd like to know more. Hope Ive helped :)